Hello all!


I am relatively new to SpamAssassin and subscribing to this group had really
helped me in understanding many of SpamAssassin's intricacies.  Thanks to
everybody who posts replies to the questions asked here.


Also, if this is not the proper place for me to post this question, I
apologize in advance.


I am in need of assistance in one area.  It does not seem to me that this
should be too difficult to do, but I can't seem to find any information so I
figured I would ask here.


I would like to know now to use a variable within SpamAssassin.  For
example, how would I "capture" the last name of the From header field for
use in comparisons elsewhere?  Here is a sample:


>>From: "Molly Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>Subject: Me again Owens


I am sure a lot of folks have been seeing this spam coming thru lately.  I
would like to check if the last name in From (Owens) shows up in the Subject
header.  There may or may not be a better way to catch this specific
example, but being able to define a variable and use it elsewhere would be
great.  I have to assume that SpamAssassin allows for this, but I just can't
seem to figure out how to do it.  I have seen mention of eval and $1, $2,
etc, and assume they have something to do with defining or using a variable,
but I can find no specifics on how to use them.


Also, I am curious if using variables has a significant impact on


I am using SpamAssassin 2.64.  I know it is an older version, but that what
I have to work with at this time.




John W Mickevich

Computer Management Technologies



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