> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert LeBlanc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 9:53 PM
> To: SpamAssassin
> Subject: Re: Synchronising Bayes mysql data between two server
> On that note, one relatively simple solution that has worked 
> well at a number of larger Maia sites has been to use 
> filesystem-mirroring with DRBD <http://www.drbd.org/> to 
> maintain a "hot spare" for the database server.  This avoids 
> replication and corruption problems by operating at the 

Thank you Robert for your encouragement.  I like being YELLED at and
called an idiot as much as the next guy, but sometimes a word of
encouragement also helps.

DRDB for linux is similar to the GAIM/ memory device suggestion  for
*BSD (which I also said I have not tried yet).
I would suspect for critical areas, maybe splitting the DB's into
critical and non-critical with critical DB on DRDB or GAIM.  (if someone
has done DRDB/ SA/Maia maybe it should be added to the Wiki/and/or FAQ)

I have no ax to grind, I am not trying to make money on sharing my
results, I was under the (obviously mistaken) impression that that was
what GPL/APACHE2 license software support was all about.  Sharing both
successes and failures.

If we didn't experiment (and fail) and share this information, than
nothing would have ever moved forward, except in secret, patentended,
copyrighted labs.

If there are major areas of concern (other than a generic 'don't listen
to anyone who even talks about it) then it never will move forward.

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