> -----Original Message-----
> From: sergio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 9:13 AM
> To: spamassasin_list
> Subject: how filter messages by subject
> Hello spamassasin_list,
>   I want filter messages with some bad words. How can configure yhe SA
>   to do that?
>   Thanks.

Its not really meant to do it, but you can. You first right a rule to match
bad words in the subject or body. But two ways to do things after that...

header BAD_WORDS Subject =~ /bush/i
description BAD_WORDS Oh...he is bad!
score BAD_WORDS 100.00

scoring it high will have it marked as spam, and treated however you treat
spam. But if you wanted to to put ones that hit this rule somewhere else,
then you could score it low and use procmail to look for the "BAD_WORDS" in
the report header, and forward the email to another folder or account. 

All this said.... I do NOT recommend doing any of this. Its sure to FP on


Chris Santerre
SysAdmin and Spamfighter

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