> >> 
> >> These guys are just rolling in scott free except for bayes.
> >> See http://2chronicles36.org/stock.txt
> >> 
> >> I'm using 3.1.7 with latest sa-update + FuzzyOCR.cf & KAM.cf
> >> 
> >
> >I must say, that a pretty well done spam. Whoever wrote it put some
> thought
> >into the phrasing. This one might take a bit. The wording is 
> gonna be hard
> >to tag. 
> >
> >--Chris
> Pardon my ignorance here, but it is full of mis-spellings and 
> phrases that
> you wouldn't normally see, so why not just hit those?
> "aid you to know"
> "C O S T"
> "brroker"
> "ama zing"
> Peter

Because if people learn anything from my posts, its that there are always
new ways to horribly misspell words! ;) 

Search for "C O S T" today, and tomorrow its "C,O,S,T". Search for
/c.?o.?s.?t.?/i and you FP and "CLOSET"

Taggnig spam is more of an art, then an exact science. Well....more of an
artistic science.... withou tht pretty colors.... and swimsuit
models....when the hell are we gonna see some antispam swimsuit models....oh
thats a bit sexist... well not really...I suppose we could have male models
as well.....Justin is pretty sexy....did I say that out loud....maybe no one
will notice...... swinsuit models.....


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