On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 09:55:07AM -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong but with the various methods of bayes 
> poisoning going on I've found that bayes is just lowering the score of 
> spam and causing more spam to get through. Where bayes used to be the 
> centerpiece of spam filtering now I have turned it off to increase accuracy.
> Anyone else seeing this or is there some new tricks that I'm missing out on?

We had to lower our bayesian filter's score from 7.2 to something like
6.4 (8.0 threshold) as a result of the image spam but it still doing a
good job.

My experience with fuzzyocr was not good enough to implement it on all
our mail servers.  Exim had regular problems with the feedback from
Spamassassin when fuzzyocr was active and recently Spamassassin died
because of some problem fuzzyocr had with some mails - so I disabled it
on the one server I was trying it out.

The result is more image spam.  Maybe it is time to rebuild the bayesian
database with "clean" spam excluding image spam and a lot of ham

Johann Spies          Telefoon: 021-808 4036
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

     "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the 
      life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, 
      yet shall he live; And whosoever liveth and believeth 
      in me shall never die.        John 11:25,26 

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