For the last couple weeks spam is at historic lows here. I've had days
with well under 100 spams compared to about 300 a day at the rather long
time peak. It started dropping around late December.

(Of course, I expect Earthlink greylists the spam. And I am certain
that the DSL Extreme anti-spam cannot be turned off - I get zero
through them. We use fetchmail to drag down the email. I have three
accounts with 90 to 115 spams a day for the last couple weeks when
I used to get 300+ with two accounts. I do have a fourth account that
is NEVER used externally. I use it to send myself emails via automatic
forwarding if I need to. That account's name is as good as a password.
It gets NOTHING unless I send it something. {^_-})

----- Original Message ----- From: "Nigel Frankcom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "SpamAssassin" <>
Sent: Saturday, 2007, March 24 05:38
Subject: Anyone else seeing a large rise in spam?

Hi All,

As per the title, I'm seeing a pretty big rise this last week. So far
this week has seen the most spam I've ever had to deal with in over 10

RBLs and SA are catching more, as is greylisting. That said, yesterday
saw double my 'usual' amount of spam. Though it's been creeping up all

Is it just me or is this trend being reflected elsewhere?

Kind regards


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