As subject really, running 3.1.7 with latest spamassassin rules via
sa-update, when I subscribe/download the channel at and lint (which sa-update appears to do in
debug mode) I get:

[20029] info: rules: meta test __SARE_HEAD_FALSE has undefined
dependency '__FROM_AOL_COM'
[20029] info: rules: meta test __SARE_HEAD_FALSE has undefined
dependency '__FROM_AOL_COM'
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_BOUNDARY_D12 has undefined
dependency 'MIME_BOUND_DIGITS_15'
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_CIT_BLOCKER has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_SUN_BLOCKER has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_SUB_INET_PHARM has undefined
dependency 'ONLINE_PHARMACY'
[20029] info: rules: meta test __IMG_ONLY has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test __IMG_ONLY has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test __IMG_ONLY has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test __IMG_ONLY has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test __IMG_ONLY has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test __IMG_ONLY has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test __IMG_ONLY has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_HEAD_SUBJ_RAND has undefined
dependency 'SARE_XMAIL_SUSP2'
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_HEAD_SUBJ_RAND has undefined
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_HEAD_SUBJ_RAND has undefined
dependency 'X_AUTH_WARN_FAKED'
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_RD_SAFE has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_RD_SAFE has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_RD_SAFE has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_FPP_BLOCKER has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test __SARE_SUB_FALSE has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test __SARE_SUB_FALSE has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_FEB_BLOCKER has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test SARE_OBFU_CIALIS has undefined dependency
[20029] info: rules: meta test LW_STOCK_SPAM4 has undefined dependency

Probably something simple, if you understand how rulesets work!


Paul Hutchings
Network Administrator, MIRA Ltd.
Tel: 44 (0)24 7635 5378, Fax: 44 (0)24 7635 8378


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