NFN Smith wrote:
> Jake Vickers wrote:
> > It's in your RDJ config file. My config is in /etc/rulesdujour/ and
> > the 
> > file is called "config". The line in question:
> > SA_DIR="/etc/mail/spamassassin"
> > That's where it should save the files it downloads.
> I checked the code of rules_du_jour, and the download is done to the
> location defined by ${TMPDIR} , which forces to the RulesDuJour
> subdirectory.
> > [ "${TMPDIR}" ] || TMPDIR="${SA_DIR}/RulesDuJour";  # Where we
> > store old rulesets.  If you delete 
> On my box, ${SA_DIR} defaults to /etc/spamassassin, even if it's not
> explicitly defined that way in the config file.
> I can hack the code for the rules_du_jour script, to set wget to
> deliver to ${SA_DIR} rather than ${TEMPDIR}, but there's numerous
> reasons not to intentionally break a working script.  The download is
> going where the script writers intended it to go.
> Thus, my problem isn't with RDJ, as I had originally thought, but with
> SA itself.  I have my rules from SARE located in /etc/spamassassin,
> RDJ delivers updates to /etc/spamassassin/RulesDuJour, and debug
> output of SA shows that SA is only seeing the rules in
> /etc/spamassassin. 
> Is there a SA config setting I need to do to make SA check the
> RulesDuJour directory, or do I need to do something kludgy, such as
> adding my own scripting to do post-processing by copying updated
> rulesets from the RulesDuJour directory back to /etc/spamassassin,
> where SA will see them?

RDJ is supposed to download to the RulesDuJour directory.  After it
the files there, it moves them from ${TMPDIR} to ${SA_DIR}.  ${TMPDIR} is
working directory.  You don't want SA reading it's rules from there.  RDJ
have multiple copies of each rule file stored there.


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