
Am I correct in saying that the "proper" way to set a default
required_score is in the /etc/mail/spamassassin/ file?

I'm running SA 3.2.0 and I seem to be unable to change the default
required_score.  I'm using spamc/spamd for processing via simscan.
Per-user rules are enabled and seem to be working fine.  If the user
does not have any preferences set, however, I thought the default
required_score from the file was used.  Is that not the case?

spamd is run with the following options :

-d -q -x -m25 --min-children 10 --min-spare 5 --max-spare 10
--socketpath=/tmp/spamd.sock --syslog-socket=none

I'm attempting to lower the default required_score because I'm seeing
a ton of incoming spam that's flying just under the default score of
5.0.  Per-user scores are not working because simscan drops to
defaults if there is more than one rcpt_to, and most of the incoming
spam is BCC spam.

Speaking of which, is there any sort of BCC rule that pumps up the
score if the mail is BCCed?  I can see a problem with mailing lists,
though....  Would it be possible to trigger on the mailing list
headers as well?


Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold

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