Daniel Aquino wrote:
> > 1) What (exactly) did you do?
> # local.cf  config file at this url
> http://pastie.caboo.se/60756
> > What user is SA running as?  What are the permissions on the bayes
> > directory? 
> drwx------ 2 defang defang 4096 2007-05-11 10:48
> /var/spool/MD-Databases/ 
> > 2) What (exactly) was the result?
> ls /var/spool/MD-Databases/
> auto-whitelist*  auto-whitelist.mutex
> > Why do you say it didn't work?
> I would like to see the bayes_* db files show up in
> /var/spool/MD-Database 
> I sent a few spam messages through SpamAssassin and it created the
> whitelist, db files but not the bayes files...

Please post replies to the list so that others can learn from and
comment on them.

Assuming that SA is running as the defang user, I don't see anything
obviously wrong with your setup.  It may be that Bayes simply hasn't
seen anything to learn from yet.  Take a couple of your messages and
learn from them manually and see if the Bayes files are created.

    sa-learn --ham sample_nonspam.msg
    sa-learn --spam sample_spam.msg

You can also query the database manually and see what is there.

    sa-learn --dump magic

This will give you all of the message and token counts.  Make sure you
run these commands as the defang user.


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