Jo Rhett wrote:
Chris Lear wrote:
* Jo Rhett wrote (16/08/07 07:41):
Since nobody is paying attention

Or they're asleep. Your messages were at 23:44 and 07:41 here.

, let me clarify.  The current rule is wrong:

mimeheader __TVD_MIME_ATT_AP    Content-Type =~ /^application\/pdf/i
mimeheader __TVD_MIME_ATT_AOPDF Content-Type =~ /^application\/octet-stream.*\.pdf/i


This evaluates to exactly the same as this:


I believe that the original rule's intent was this:


I don't think you're right.

The rule looks like this to me:

__TVD_MIME_CT_MM             # content-type is multi-part mixed
&& __TVD_MIME_ATT_TP         # and has a text-plain part
&& __TVD_MIME_ATT            # and has an attachment that is either
    __TVD_MIME_ATT_AP    # application/pdf
    __TVD_MIME_ATT_AOPDF # or application/octet-stream.*.pdf
&& !__TVD_BODY               # and has no non-whitespace text content

Your rule would seem to match anything with no non-whitespace text content regardless of whether or not a pdf was attached.

I did a full analysis of why the rule is broken, line by line in the message you replied to. But I'll do it again.

(dropping "__TVT_MIME_" for ease of typing)

ATT is a meta of ATT_AP *or* ATT_AOPDF.

But the PDF_FINGER01 requires ATT_TP as well as ATT. This means that really it will only work if ATT_TP matches. If ATT_A0PDF matches then it won't match.

No go back up and read the text I quoted at the top. Because if this is the authors intent then you can shorten the rule, but I somehow don't think so.

I read it. I think you got it wrong. The author's intent seems to accord with my analysis.

I was looking into this very rule about 3 days ago, because of false positives (client mailing out auto-generated pdfs which are being rejected by messagelabs), and I found that spamassassin -D told me all I needed to know about why some e-mail hit this rule and some didn't.

Perhaps. But maybe you have difficulty reading the line by line analysis I posted below, hm? I have ~200 messages here that are 100% spam that would match the fixed rule, which seems to be the authors intent.

As I say, I read it. It was clear from the start that you didn't understand why the rule wasn't firing (and TVD, the rule author, explained that). It also appeared to me that your rewrite of the rule was the result of a misreading of the logic (or a misunderstanding of multipart mime). I thought I could elucidate. I stand by my comments, except that I misread your rewrite and thought it was looking only for text/plain, whereas it's looking only for pdf mime parts. Theo has explained it all now anyway, so there's no more to add.

But forgive me. I should have known better than to step in to a Jo Rhett thread. I'll try not to do it again.


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