Marc Perkel wrote:
>> Marc Perkel wrote:
>>> OK - it's interesting that of all of you who responded this
>>> is the only person who is doing it right. I have to say that
>>> I'm somewhat surprised that so few people are preprocessing
>>> their email to reduce the SA load. As we all know SA is very
>>> processor and memory expensive.
> Aaron Wolfe wrote: 
>> What was the motivation behind your original post?  What were
>> you hoping to learn?
> I was just curious based on some of the comments here that
> people really were running everything through SA. I'm just
> surprised that so many were doing that.
How many did you count that do *not* filter email prior to passing it to
SA, opposed to people that do?
I think I saw (and that there are) more people that pre-filter than that
don't (no, I didn't count; that's just what I think that I saw/think).
In fact, I didn't even see enough replies to base any conclusion upon:
not everyone that's subscribed to this list replied and even then: the
world is (much) larger than this list.

Further, as some already said: what may be right for you, could be, but
doesn't have to be, right for anyone else. I do not think I need you to
tell me if I'm doing it the right way, which is what you are doing.


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