Dietmar Braun wrote:
Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 12:12:13 PM, you wrote:
m> then you should say what exactly you want to achieve. we could spend a month 
at guess games.

I think I said all you have to know - the one missing was just the
"domain dependent" thing.

Additionally, this rejects RBL listed mails - but I want to discard
them to /dev/null...
m> This is a _bad_ idea. not only will you be wasting resources reading
m> data that you want handle, but you run the risk of discarding legitmate
m> mail.
m> (note that reject != bounce).

I know that. In this case, it's ok because it is a 100% spamtrap domain.

I'm not sure I understand your goal. do you really want to not reject (421 or other) such mail at smtp time for some reason, or you don't care if it's a reject or a discard? do you want to discard so that client thinks the message was delivered (so it won't retry)?
m> you can use rbl_reply_maps to set the reply code to 421 so that postfix
m> closes the connection. only use this for those RBL that list zombes m> (spamhaus pbl). otherwise, you'll need to watch your logs for retries m> from MTAs and explicitely reject them.

m> Please understand that this is not SA related. so followup on the m> postfix users list.

Since I know Postfix quite good, I think this cannot be done with
Postfix features - you will need to expand it with SA and perhaps

postfix has DISCARD action that you can use after SA. you can for example let SA add its headers, and in the after-the-filter postfix, use header_checks to looks for SA headers and discard mail if a match is found.

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