> M> or does he think
> All we know is users don't think like we do. http://www.useit.com/alertbox/
Fundamentally, SpamAssassin is a tool written by system administrators,
for system administrators and advanced users.

Like it or not, the project's primary goal has always been to be a good
spamfilter. Clear documentation is nice, but it's always been a
secondary priority to making it work well. Given that the project has
limited resources, there's often a choice to be made between writing
features that improve SA's accuracy, and trying to make the
documentation easy to read.

You've pointed out some good flaws in the docs, and some things which
IMHO are awfully pedantic given the general poor state of the rest of
the documentation.
> M> how will you benefit from contact with this broader spectrum if
> M> they're emailing you in a character set you can't read?
> * Sternstone recalls: I was only 20 years old and had my name in Tamil
> in my .signature or something. Well, it turns out Dr. Futzweiler, may
> he rest in peace, had been plagued by Russian spam, and was using
> "Spam Assassin", which had a bug or something that clobbers more than
> just Russian. Anyway, he never got the mail and I ended up joining the
> Malawi space program, and the rest is history.

You're making a good argument not to use the ok_locales or ok_languages
feature at all. Personally I agree with that. But if you're gonna filter
this way, IMO, you may as well filter off everything you can't read. But
of course, there are some cases where that might be difficult, which is
why I've created:


side note: odds are the above problem was ok_languages, not ok_locales.
ok_languages isn't very precise, but ok_locales is. This is because it's
hard to accurately guess language based on letter groupings like
ok_languages does. It's really easy to accurately figure out that the
Cyrillic character set is Russian.

Also, bear in mind that there's not many locales in SA (unlike
languages). There's only 6 of them. en, ja, ko, ru, th, zh. That's it.
There's no fr, se, de, or whatever else. So, at least in the case of
ok_locales, which this thread is about, it's pretty easy to list

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