Iann Gorrill wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> We have a form that makes use of the phpmail class
> (http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net) that for one reason or another,
> triggers the MIME_HTML_ONLY BODY rule on every scan, stating that only
> a text/html Content type was found, yet there is clearly a plain text
> version being sent.  
> While I completely understand that this is more than likely a fault of
> mine own or phpmailer's, I'd like to understand what it is in the
> actual message that is wrong, so that I can resolve it.  As I didn't
> feel like it would be good etiquette to post the entire message source
> on list, here is a link to where you can view the full source of a
> message that got triggered:
> http://server20.lfchosting.com/ianng/message.txt
> A couple of notes regarding this.  If you notice the required score of
> 2 being set, that was only for testing purposes, so please don't
> lambaste me over that one.  As well, I'm also quite aware the version
> of SA should be upgraded on the box in question, however, looking at
> the function that makes that decision on the above mentioned rule, it
> hasn't changed over the versions.
> Ok, I think that's it.  There, first post over, that wasn't too hard :)
Doesn't match that rule in 3.2.3.. Perhaps it's time to upgrade from 3.0.6.

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