Sven Juergensen (KielNET) wrote:
> Hi list,
> i was posting this subject a while
> ago and recently had some time to
> look into it some more.
> Apparently, whenever $SOMETHING isn't
> part of the envelope and/or body,
> spamassassin falls back to the user
> which is owning the process.
Spamassassin *NEVER* examines the envelope or body to determine what
user to run as. *NEVER*.

It *ALWAYS* runs as the user that invoked it, or whatever user it was
explicitly told to run as (ie: via spamc's -u parameter).

It's possible that whatever tool you're using invokes SA using some part
of said envelope or body to pass to -u, but but you didn't specify
what's calling SA, so...
> If that
> user isn't listed in the SQL-Backend it
> queries against, spamassassin just uses
> the global setting which, in my case,
> does nothing at all.
nothing at all? That seems rather odd. Even with no user preferences at
all, SA should run with fairly "normal" defaults. (ie: score threshold
of 5.0, etc)
> Does anyone of you reckon what causes
> spamassassin to score on the process
> owner? 
As above, nothing. SA does what it's told, and if it's not told, it uses
the calling userid.
> As stated, I *believe* it has
> something to do with something missing,
> but I have yet to recreate this.
Can you tell us more about your setup? Are you calling spamc from
procmail? using a milter? ec.

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