Note: I fixed your subject line to try to draw the attention of the right people. Generic subject lines tend to get overlooked by folks with specific interests, since many just skim the subject lines.

David Zinder wrote:
I think my problem is related to, but I can't figure out how to reach them. times out, and has for several weeks.
I assume you mean

I had been using Spamassassin 3.1.5 under RHEL 3. Works great, until Jan 1, 2008. I started getting false positives from surbl. These are emails I have received for years, such as and
It would help if you can indicate which domains in these emails are triggering it. Try running one through spamassassin and look at the body report. The surbl match in the body report should tell you what domain is matching. You might have to munge it to post, but something like example*MUNGED*.com is a typical way of being able to post it here without trouble.

It would also be helpful if you indicated which surbl list is a problem.. WS? OB? SC? JP? AB? PH?

If I remove file /usr/share/spamassassin/ and restart spamd, the false positives stop, but more real spam gets through. I upgraded all the perl utilities SA needs and I am now running SA 3.2.4, but the problem is still there.
That's unsurprising..
I can't find anything on the SA or surbl web sites that address this problem. Anyone have any ideas?
I know some of the folks crawl this list, that's why I fixed your subject line to indicate it was related. Hopefully one of them will jump in.

Thanks in advance,

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