Eric A. Hall writes:
> I sometimes get SVN notifications that contain lists of files and their
> status. The filenames will often get picked up by the URI matching
> algorithm, each of which end up being processed through numerous lookups
> (URICOUNTRY, my LDAP filter, etc). Sometimes I get very large messages
> with hundreds of file lists, which in turn causes spamassassin to go into
> never-never land while it thinks about the hundreds of "URI" matches.
> For example,
>   A    fpo/reports/perl/
>   A    foo/reports/perl/
>   A    foo/reports/perl/
> will be determined as a URI for .pl domain and
> will be determined as a URI for .pm domain, and so forth. The only way to
> get these messages through is to disable spamassassin...
> I've updated to 3.2.4 just now and it still has the same problem
> I'm guessing the URI analyzer needs to be smarter.

The URI analyzer already is smarter ;)

Changing the URICountry plugin is the way to fix this.

The Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/URIDetail plugin is a good example of how
plugins can get metadata about the URIs via the get_uri_detail_list() API.
looking at the POD doc and source for that
in Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus, I see that "types" == "parsed" should
mean that the URI was inferred, instead of found in a link or image.
URICountry should ignore URIs of that type.


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