ItsMikeE wrote:
For some time now I have been getting spams that look like
"Hello! I am tired this evening. I am nice girl that would like to chat with
you. Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] only, because I am using my friend's email
to write this. To see my pics"

They are still not being picked up, despite me passing them to be learnt for
the bayes DB.

Has anyone written a rule to filter these out?

I've actually been running this set of 5 rules on several of the ISP mail systems I've got my fingers in (watch for line wrap, sorry):

# "Nice girl" wants to send pics, but only if you email the address in the body
# start scoring at .5, see how that whacks'em.
body NICE_GIRL_01 /Hello! I am (?:bored|tired) (?:today|this (?:afternoon|evening)|tonight)\./
describe NICE_GIRL_01   Nice girls don't spam
score NICE_GIRL_01      0.8
body NICE_GIRL_02       /I am nice girl that would like to chat with you\./
describe NICE_GIRL_02   Nice girls don't spam
score NICE_GIRL_02      0.8
body NICE_GIRL_03 /Email me at [^\s]{,74} only, because I am writing not from my personal email\./
describe NICE_GIRL_03   Nice girls don't spam
score NICE_GIRL_03      0.8
# not actually the same spam, but same class/type
body NICE_GIRL_04 /I will respond right away and send a pic and some of my info right away/
score NICE_GIRL_04      0.8
describe NICE_GIRL_04   Nice girls don't spam
body NICE_GIRL_05 /Reply to me and tell me about yourself if you want to chat/
score NICE_GIRL_05      0.8
describe NICE_GIRL_05   Nice girls don't spam

I've also bumped BAYES_99 to 4.8 (and IIRC bumped scores on BAYES_90 and BAYES_95 as well). For some reason I've been too lazy to bother tracking down, I usually only see two rules hitting on these messages - more than enough to push them over the stock threshold of 5 (I've found it better to tune rules and Bayes than fiddle with the threshold score).


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