This is the rule check for a 'normal' (non-spam) e-mail become from Hotmail:

pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
1.0 SUBJ_ALL_CAPS          Subject is all capitals
2.3 FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD    Forged 'Received:' header found
0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
0.0 BAYES_50               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%
                           [score: 0.4743]
0.2 MIME_BASE64_NO_NAME    RAW: base64 attachment does not have a file name
2.2 DCC_CHECK Listed in DCC (

This FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD and DCC_CHECK are false positive???

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