
I'm having trouble with the AWL of Spamassassin.

The AWL is acting seriously wrong. I get some spam with my own address
in the "From:" header, and the AWL assigns ridiculous scores to it.

I have quite a few cronjobs running which send mail with the same
"From"-address on my local machine but that shouldn't extend to external
Mails (at least, I hope).

To aid in debugging I have completely removed the auto-whitelist file in
my ~/.spamassassin. A few minutes later, the database looks like this:

| ice:~/.spamassassin>date
| Tue Feb 26 10:27:45 CET 2008
| ice:~/.spamassassin>dbedit -p auto-whitelist|grep '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=83.239    1
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none|totscore     -99.133
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=83.239|totscore   9.14
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none      2

which looks plausible to me.

But three hours later, the first spam gets through again. The Database
now look like this:

| ice:~/.spamassassin>date  
| Tue Feb 26 13:35:05 CET 2008
| ice:~/.spamassassin>dbedit -p auto-whitelist|grep '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=117.47    5
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=117.47|totscore   -188.926

Why is this happening? Can This be fixed? Or do I have to turn AWL
completely off because it is broken by design?

A bureaucracy is like a computer program.  Usually, the question is
how to arrange it so that what you want is composed of operations that
the bureaucracy supports.  In addition, in any bureaucracy, there is
always *someone* whose job is to approve violations of the rules.

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