> -----Original Message-----
> From: JP Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 4 March 2008 6:54 a.m.
> To: spamassassin-users
> Subject: giberish
> does anyone know of a rule that might catch this kind of spam which
> contains a lot of non words
> a grammar checking rule or plugin would be nice too since many spams
> contain a lot of nonsense.
>       Content-Type:   text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>       Content-Transfer-Encoding:      8bit
> Howdy!
> Go to get further directions: http://jennakilroytm.blogspot.com
> misbrandingmegadyne delightable underbodice undergore
> fica orchidist miamiforrad
> commiserates denominablebronteum architectonically capsulogenous
> disfigured
> unteemsimulated

I score for blogspot links in emails, and give them 5 points while I'm
at it:
uri CST_BADLY_SPELT2            /blogspot\.com/
score CST_BADLY_SPELT2          5.0
describe CST_BADLY_SPELT2       blogspot Link.. probable SPAM

I don't know how the rest of you feel about blogspot links, but I've
never seen a valid/authentic one in an email that isn't spam before.

I used to run phrase matching with lots of OR statements to try catch
spam like this, but have since given up rewriting those rules every day
in favour of this one.

Michael Hutchinson.

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