Agnello George wrote:
I was just Reading the article from in the article before the system can boot the BIOS detect the first available IDE device, on this device is the MBR which contain the boot loader and partition tables now suppose i have Two OS install -- debian Etch and the centos ...and grub is the default boot loader ( and grub file is located in /etc/grub.conf ..which has instruction / menu screen for booting the various OS ) but i don't seem to understand one thing - How is /etc/grub.conf made available to the boot loader even before a OS is selected ( explanation not very clear in the article )

Agreed. Wrong list.

However: You might want to read a more up-to-date doc on the boot process that covers grub:

But the short answer is that grub stage2 is actually file system aware, and can actually read the file system.

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