On torsdagen den 20 mars 2008, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> you probably do not understand the internal_networks meaning.
> internal networks are only those (fully) under your control, trusted may
> not be under your control but you have to trust them

I'd say that internal_networks contain hosts that receive mail from random 
hosts for you, including secondary MXes. Even hosts handling mailing lists 
that you subscribe to, and other hosts that you have forward mail to you, may 
be worth adding, if you can trust them. The reason is that certain DNSBL 
rules check the address of the last external server that handled the mail, 
and the server you want to check in the case of list mail is not the list 
server but the server that delivered the mail to the list server.

Magnus Holmgren        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

  "Exim is better at being younger, whereas sendmail is better for 
   Scrabble (50 point bonus for clearing your rack)" -- Dave Evans

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