On 6/22/08 9:30 PM, "metamorph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Spamassassin/Clamav/Ubuntu/PHP5/Apache2/citadel/
> I just installed spamassasin and tested it with gtube and it worked, but
> when I tried to install clamav it still lets the EICAR files through.  I
> read through old posts and everything on the spamassassin site and still
> cannot get it to work.
> Any suggestions on what I  am not doing correctly are greatly appreciated.
> The steps I took:
> filescanclamav is a pearl module, so I had to use CPAN to install it.
> Then, I created the files clamav.cf and clamav.pm with the text from
> http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ClamAVPlugin.
> Placed the two files in the /etc/spamassassin directory.
> Made the recommended change to clamav.pm: our $CLAMD_SOCK =
> "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctdl";   # changed
> Restarted spamassassin. grep shows spamassassin.
> Sent EICAR  AV text test and it still doesn't do anything.

Got any headers to show that it's actually piping through ClamAV?  (hint:
look for X-Spam-Virus:)


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