Hello All,

There were so many messages regarding this new Block List, I have to
admit I have not read them all. I get the general idea that this new
Barracuda Reputation Block List isn't all that hot. 

For instance, how do Barracuda generate their Block List? I don't think
this has been answered yet, and I doubt it is the same method(s) as
Spamcop or Spamhaus, as there appears to be a lot more hits on Spam with
the Barracuda RBL enabled. This suggests to me that False Positives are
going to be numerously present. 

I've also read that the Barracuda's NetApp's score hard on Backscatter,
but yet are a source of Backscatter themselves - I hear a ball of twine
unravelling here.. enough that would stop me even trying the new RBL -
Especially with the recent de-listing saga, I've been put right off.
Anyone with good news about the Barracuda RBL to combat that?


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