Ned Slider schrieb:
> fchan wrote:
>> "Their back..."   the quote form Carol Anne Freeling from the movie
>> Poltergeist II.
>> I don't know about you but I seen these spikes in spam today which is
>> inline what sees:
>> I knew that shutting them down on one colo site will only prevent them
>> from sending spam for a short time. Now they appear to have found a
>> new location somewhere... in hell.
>>> I noticed the size of my black list dropped by more that 1/3 this
>>> last week.
> I've not seen any real uptick in spam volume today per se. What I have
> seen is a rise in virus attachments today - spambot viruses, probably
> the latest edition set for the new C&C infrastructure where ever they've
> moved that to. I've not analysed any samples so I'm not sure which
> spambot it is or where the new C&C infrastructure is located. To me it
> looks like they're starting to rebuild their botnets.
> What's clear is that they will learn from this. They had a weakness - a
> single point of failure and they will now build in redundancy so taking
> out one host in future will unlikely result in the precipitous drop in
> productivity again that we've seen this time around. Look at why Storm
> was so successful for so long.

in fact bots were used to make a ddos attack, now they are back
on their normal spam jobs, this weekend had the lowest spam amount since
look here
sorry no english

but the image will show whats happend

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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