> > MailServer:~/spamassassin# spamassassin -D dns -t </root/SpamA.txt
> > [27256] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
> > [27256] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.61
> You might want to fire up CPAN and upgrade Net::DNS.

[choke]. The last time I used CPAN for upgrading anything on this box,
it broke Spamassassin rather badly and I had to spend several hours
restoring it to it's former glory from backups (and removing additional
Perl modules that got installed on my system, but aren't compatible with
SA 3.1.7). Is there another way to upgrade that Module without using
CPAN, and giving myself some kind of instant "revert to Net::DNS"
fallback ability if it fails? I fear that I will not be able to upgrade
Net::DNS as our Debian Sarge will be too old to support it. I'll see if
I can manually implement the upgrade, without breaking dependencies and
so forth.

I don't see where Net::DNS is causing an issue, however.. Is there some
debug routine I can throw in to get a general idea of how it is
performing for all E-Mail? 
> > See the horrible scantimes. These are logged in between other tests
> that look quite normal:
> >
> > There does not appear to be a common rule that hits the Mail that
> takes
> > too long to scan. I'd say that around 1/4 of all mail, perhaps less
> > (without knowing for sure) takes an excessive amount of time to
> ...how are you for memory? Those three were all close together in
> maybe (WAG) you're hitting swap?

#free -m -t
             total       used       free     shared    buffers
Mem:          2027       1945         82          0        117
-/+ buffers/cache:        804       1223
Swap:         1906          0       1906
Total:        3933       1945       1988

If I am correct, this server hasn't used any swap for quite some time,
but does keep the physical memory well consumed for performance reasons.
(Debian 3.1 Sarge).


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