Garik a écrit :
> I have a situation where by mail passes through a mailing list and then
> goes on to the destination mailbox that's subscribed in the mailing
> list. Here's my problem:
> SpamAssasin checks the emails going through the mailing list for SPAM
> and adds the subject [**SPAM**] to the email, and then when it's going
> to the mailbox it checks the email again and adds the [**SPAM**] header
> a second time. So my emails end up looking like: "[**SPAM**] [**SPAM**]
> My_email_subject"
> Is there anything that can be done so there's only one instance of
> [**SPAM**] in the subject? Have postfix strip out the spam headers from
> the subject, or is there another solution? Someone would have run across
> this problem before me.
> I'm running SpamAssasin 3.1.7, MailMan using Postfix.

configure mailman to resubmit mail to a port that is unfiltered. no
point to filter mail twice.

$ cat
SMTPPORT = 10025

> Any help would be welcome,
> Garik

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