Jonas Eckerman wrote:
chauhananshul wrote:

I'm new to linux world can some one please help in understanding .cf &.pm

Neither of those files are specific to linux.

The .pm files are perl modules. To understand how those works in detail you need to learn perl. You don't need to know this when using SpamAssassin though.

The .cf files are specific to SpamAssassin. To learn how they work read the SpamAssassin documentation. Particularly
perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf
also available at

I've used .cf files from i used to copy in

Don't do that.

You should put your custom .cf files in the site rules directory. Usually "/etc/mail/spamassassin" or "/usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin".

it works

But will stop working if you use sa-update or upgrade SpamAssassin.

And if you haven't run sa-update, you really should. There have been updates to the base rules since the last version was released.

but at some sites both .pm & .cf fiels
are available can some one please guide me wht to do with .pm files
> how to install them or make them work for me.

Read about "loadplugin" in the above mentioned documentation.

The .pm files are for plugins rather than just extra rules. There are usually installation instructions included with a plugin since they generally require more than just dropping the files in your rules directory.

The .cf files should be put in your site rules directory. SA will automatically load any .cf files in that directory. If you don't know where the site rules directory is, you can use this command to find it:

   spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep 'site rules'


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