Martin Gregorie a écrit :
>> put any custom rules in the database, and modify the spamd? start
>> scripts to write the custom rules to flat files.  modify your update
>> program to signal a spamd reload every time you modify the rules, or,
>> use unison.  we use unison (not for our VPS spam clusters) but for
>> syncing flat files used on our redundant web servers (any downloaded
>> pdf's can be up to 15 mins behind the 'master') which is why we don't
>> do that on our anti-spam clusters.
> However you slice it, you'll need to introduce a cron job to pull down
> any SA configuration updates and restart spamd if any are found.
> Alternatively, you might want to modify the SA daemon start script to
> pull down updates to your configuration before starting spamd. 
> Consequently this exercise boils down to finding the easiest way to
> graft update retrievals onto the cron job. I think there are a number of
> ways to do this that are simpler than using an SQL database. For
> starters, none of the following require text->SQL->text conversions. Try
> using one of these:
> - CVS, or whatever version control system is favored at your site. 
>   CVS is simple to set up, works entirely with text files and can
>   sync multiple local copies to a central repository regardless of
>   where the copies are on the network. It only distributes changed
>   files and its trivial to discover if any changes were distributed.
> - rsync can be used to distribute a flat file repository. Like CVS,
>   it will automatically distribute just the changed files, so its fast
>   and its fairly easy to find out if it pulled down any changes.
> - wget can retrieve updates from a repository that's distributed by
>   an internal web server, Apache for instance.

and as an extension (clarification?) of the latter:

- sa-update. "convert" your rules to a channel and use sa-update.

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