Le 22/07/2009 17:48, MySQL Student a écrit :
So, forever I have been using whitelist_from and have probably a
thousand entries.

Firstly, before you convert all these to whitelist_from_rcvd, perhaps you ought to ask yourself whether you really need 1000 entries on your whitelist. Does mail from these addresses actually get miscategorised as spam, or would SA get it right without the whitelist?

Secondly, don't forget about whitelist_from_spf. If a domain has an SPF record, this is a better solution than whitelist_from_rcvd as it avoids the need for *you* to work out which are the outgoing servers.

Lastly, if you do use whitelist_from_rcvd, remember that there may be multiple outgoing servers for a given domain, and worse they may change over time.


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