Gidday Peter,

> I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting a bit hacked of with
> this
> 1980's style forum. I'm trying to get to the bottom of an SA issue and
> this
> list/forum thing is giving me a bigger headache than SA!

It's a bit like that when you're using Mailing lists, just another thing
to get used to in I.T life!
> Spamassassin has more than one or two users now and I personally think
> that
> it should have a support forum to match the class of software, which
> now
> world class.
> I know it's free and all that, but even so, if this is the only form
> support they provide, I'm thinking that I'll just start an alternative
> support forum, using standard, full featured forum software (like
> Is there any support for this (I already know there will be opposition
> from
> those who are 'resident' here. Sorry guys, I just want do something to
> help
> those who just dive in when they have an urgent problem. No hard
> feelings I
> hope.)

FWIW I think you're driving at creating a forum that would be easier to
use or understand for the average joe-bloggs user. This is all very
well, but Mailing Lists aren't exactly hard to stay on top of. As for
using E-Mail to discuss problems with Spamassassin, I can think of
nothing more applicable. Anyone being an Admin of a Spamassassin enabled
Mail Server server, should be familiar enough with E-Mail to be able to
handle Mailing Lists without too much fuss. If this is such a big
problem perhaps they shouldn't be Administering a Mail Filtering system
at all.

Just my 2cents.
Michael Hutchinson.

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