Hello All,

Considering all of the interesting information that's being going around
regarding Barracuda, and it's RBL's, I probably wouldn't use it. Not any
time soon. But that's based purely on reputation, and has nothing to do
with hit ratio. Our Spam gateway seems to do just fine without it. We
query 3 RBLs, which get rid of a great deal of Spam:


Everything else (Spam) gets stopped by HELO rejections, Virus Scanning,
Recipient Rejection and Spamassassin Scanning. 

Mail Stats since 4th June:
Total Messages Processed: 5281347
RBL Rejected: 60.6 %
HELO Rejected: 27.4 %
Invalid Recipient Rejection: 2.8 %
Viruses (detected by ClamAV, & Kaspersky), and other Spam detected by
Spamassassin: 1.1 %
Clean Messages: 8.1 %

What really makes a difference is the HELO rejections - we never did
this before 4th June, and the amount of Spam that is delivered has
dropped so significantly since then is... quite remarkable. (at a loss
for other words).

So perhaps instead of adding another RBL, maybe some admins need to
consider adding in some HELO checking / rejection. 

Thanks and Cheers,
Michael Hutchinson

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