Toni Mueller <> wrote:

> I've installed FuzzyOcr and "all" OCR programs that I could find, which
> apparently resulted in tesseract being chosen,

Normally all are being run. The default settig is to stop when one has
returned a 'spam' status (i.e. it runs everything for 'ham').

> but when I run "spamassassin -D " on a message containing image spam, I
> can only see that the FuzzyOcr plugin is being called, that it creates
> it's databases, but nothing else, despite having full debugging enabled in
> its configuration.
> For some obscure reason, I never get a hit, even not for the supplied demo
> image spam messages.

Check the detailed log of FuzzyOcr (not of SA) ; it's likely it's
missing something that prevent it from running properly, such as one of
the preprocessor.

Romain Dolbeau

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