d.h...@yournetplus.com wrote:
> Quoting Matt Kettler <mkettler...@verizon.net>:
>> Mark Mahabir wrote:
>>> 2009/9/3 Matt Kettler <mkettler...@verizon.net>:
>>>> Does the From: header of these messages match *...@domain.com, or are
>>>> they
>>>> *...@something.somedomain.com (which wouldn't match)?
>>> They're definitely *...@domain.com in the From: header.
>>>> Does the X-Spam-Status header show that a blacklist matched
>>> No, they don't (the ones that don't get tagged).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark
>> Interesting, then one of the following is the cause:
>> 1) there's errors in your config, and SA isn't parsing local.cf at all.
>> To check for this, run "spamassassin --lint". It should run quietly, if
>> it complains, find and fix the offending lines.
>> 2) You're editing a local.cf in the wrong path. Check what the "site
>> rules dir" is near the top of the debug output when you run
>> "spamassassin -D --lint".
>> 3) the offending message has multiple From: headers, and SA is
>> interpreting the other one. You can try looking at the raw message
>> source for this.
>> 4) The configuration being used at delivery time is over-riding the one
>> used at the command line. You can try pumping the message as a file
>> through spamassassin on the command line and see what it comes up with.
>> If it matches USER_IN_BLACKLIST on the command-line, but fails to match
>> at delivery, something is fishy about your integration and how it
>> configures SA.
> Or, does order of comparison matter. From the documentation,
> blacklist_from states to see whitelist_from. whitelist_from states:
> The headers checked for whitelist addresses are as follows: if
> "Resent-From" is set, use that; otherwise check all addresses
> taken from the following set of headers:
> Envelope-Sender
> Resent-Sender
> X-Envelope-From
> From
> If taken in that order, the From header field would be compared last.
It will check *ALL* of the "from like" headers, and it will fire if
*ANY* of them match.

So that's not the problem.

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