LuKreme a écrit :
> On 3-Sep-2009, at 15:33, mouss wrote:
>> check_helo_hostname_access          hash:/etc/postfix/access_host
> If but this in my smtpd_helo_restrictions (with a warn_if_reject for
> right now), but where in the smtpd_recipient_restrictions do you
> recommend putting this?
>> check_reverse_client_hostname_access      hash:/etc/postfix/access_host
> I was thinking about right after premit_sasl_authenticated?

to avoid annoying others, it is preferable to move postfix questions to
the postfix-users list.


- many people (including $self) put all anti-spam checks under

- put your restrictions after reject_unauth_destination. there is no
point checking helo or other if it is a relay attempt.

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