Quanah Gibson-Mount a écrit :
> --On Monday, October 05, 2009 11:50 PM +0200 mouss
> <mo...@ml.netoyen.net> wrote:
>> Thomas Mullins a écrit :
>>> We have been running Spamassassin for maybe eight years now.  But, my
>>> coworkers do not like OpenSource.  So they have finally complained
>>> enough that my boss is going to replace our reliable
>>> FreeBSD/Spamassassin boxes.  They are planning on purchasing something
>>> that runs ON Exchange.  What a bummer.
>> and the problem is?
>> if they want exchange, give them exchange. don't fight (directly), watch
>> instead. take pleasure of the situation, get fun as you can. I
>> personally took fun all day long in windows-only (and believe it or not,
>> in linux-only) environments.
>> that said, you can still try to explain that exchange should not be
>> exposed to the internet. you still need a relay (such as
>> freebsd/postfix).
> And once exchange falls over, show them Zimbra. ;)  Which uses
> postfix/SA/amavis, etc, and looks a lot like exchange... only better. ;)

I have to chose between zimbra and exchange, I'll go for exchange. but I
don't need to chose between the two. I want different components for
different tasks. and for many things, I go for web oriented solutions.

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