15.10.2009 22:43, Adam Katz kirjoitti:

A score of 6 is FREAKISHLY high, even for something with a very low FP
rate.  I'd score that around 1.2 if I trusted it.  I like it, so I'm
throwing it in khop-general as MC_TAB_IN_FROM scoring at 0.6 for now:

# @Mike Cappella on sa-users, 20090806 20:50 UTC + 20090822 at 18:19
header   MC_TAB_IN_FROM    From:raw =~ /^\t/m
describe MC_TAB_IN_FROM    From: Contains a tab
score    MC_TAB_IN_FROM    0.6  # 20091015, considering bump to 1.2

Removed mine from local.rc as it will come to me later in an update then.

The current problem is possible duplicate rules in my rc.local and KHOP
ruleset.. Have to take time for a clean up.


Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed
down-stairs a step at a time.
                -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar

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