On 11/23/2009 05:11 PM, LuKreme wrote:
> On Nov 23, 2009, at 12:05, Philip Prindeville 
> <philipp_s...@redfish-solutions.com 
>  > wrote:
>> I want to block all messages that I'm getting that have:
>> To: undisclosed recipients: ;
>> with no Cc: line.
> What's Cc: have to do with it?  undisclosed recipients is used for  
> Bcc: mail
> I used it all the time. And you WILL 'block' legitimate mail.

For the mailboxes that this will be coming to, no one ever gets mail
with no recipient list.

We occasionally get mail from 'RT' (the bug tracker used by Openssl-dev
and others) that generates a Cc: with no To: line... but that's about
the extent of it.

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