On Nov 25, 2009, at 10:12 AM, Michael Scheidell wrote:

> R-Elists wrote:
>> on a much more important note, can those on the list that have a good handle
>> on better filtering spam and/or UCE from Constant please share your SA info
>> on that please?
> header CONSTANTCONTACT List-Unsubscribe =~ /\bconstantcontact\.com\b/
> we score it pretty low since most of the constantcontact users arn't abusers. 
>  but we score it, keep track of it, and clients complain about missed spam, 
> we bump it up, then drop it down when FP, then bump it up..
> (rinse, repeat)

This is mostly conjecture on my part but I think CC does some of the work for 
you.   For years we did SMTP level rejects from roving.com hosts and this 
seemed to have blocked a lot of the CC crap.    I think CC may segregate 
unknown/untrusted senders in roving.com rather than constantcontact.com.

At any rate no one ever complained about the roving.com block until we had a 
customer who couldn't send themselves mail from their own lists.   Knowing this 
customer only reinforces my theory because their lists are dirty as hell.


Chris Owen         - Garden City (620) 275-1900 -  Lottery (noun):
President          - Wichita     (316) 858-3000 -    A stupidity tax
Hubris Communications Inc      www.hubris.net

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