On 12/17/2009 2:50 AM, Rajkumar S wrote:
> Hello,
> I have 2 SA servers running for a single domain. Both were primed with
> a set of 200 spam and ham messages are are now auto learning. After
> about a day both have auto learned different numbers of ham and spam
> mails. Is it possible to merge the bayes data every night and update
> both servers with new merged data?
> with regards,
> raj

No.. If you're using file-based bayes, there's no good way to share
updates between one DB and the other. The information needed to make
such a merger successful isn't stored, because it is not needed for any
reason within SpamAssassin. The database merely stores the token, it's
spam count, it's nonspam count, and a last-seen timestamp. If you look
at the same token in 2 different databases, you can't really merge these
counts, because you don't know how many occurred since your last merge.

 If you really want common bayes data between two servers, you should
configure bayes to use a SQL server (MySQL, etc) and point both
SpamAssassin configurations to the same database. This also has the
benefit that both servers are continuously in-sync.

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