jdow a écrit :
> http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=7780
> It can be quite frustrating to run an ISP and comply with the often
> arbitrary, strange, and I suspect contradictory demands of the likes
> of SORBS and Trend Micro. An ISP Abuse handler vents in this article.

from the text, there is no way to see whether the guy is right or wrong.
there is no evidence.

I doubt Trend Micro _require_ "smtp/mail/...". they may recommend it.
but they certainly accept mail from a lot of servers whose name has no
smtp/mail/... in it.

as for sorbs, my experience is that they will easily unlist any host
that was listed by error. (I am talking about duhl).

so in my opinion, this is just blah blah blah blah.

and yers, it is reasonable to block ad\d+\.$domain, because "ad"
generally means "active directory", which has no business sending mail.
sure, one should be free to name his mail server, but we are free to
block what looks like a ratnet. this includes things like,however static it is. if you want to send mai
in these spam days, the least we ask you is to "name" your server.

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