Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

>> Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>> > Imho, SPF does NOT break forwarding.
> On 11.02.10 19:37, Per Jessen wrote:
>> Hmm, the SRS people seem to disagree:
>> :  SPF "breaks" email forwarding.
> I think those quotes say it all. SRS is a way to create correct and
> trackable forwarding, SPF or not.

Well, I'll just note that SRS was invented exclusively because of SPF,
not because of any critical/actual problems in email forwarding.  
What is hindering SPF adoption is also a distinct lack of development on
the SRS front, notably in getting a workable/performant setup for a
major mailserver such as postfix.  

> The forwarding without changing sender is imho already broken, 
> however the breakage gets visible with SPF adoption.

Just my opinion, but I would tend to think that SPF broke it then. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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