On 2010/03/16 2:44 PM, Mark Martinec wrote:
On Tuesday 16 March 2010 19:37:02 Jason Bertoch wrote:
On 2010/03/16 9:30 AM, Bowie Bailey wrote:
How is this messing you up?  This should not affect any of your other
channels.  The only effect is that the sought rules don't get updated.

I'm not sure how everyone else is doing it, but my script checks for
updates using --channelfile, then runs sa-compile if sa-update returns
0.  If a channel fails, sa-update returns something other than 0.  Sure,
my old rules are intact and the server continues to run normally, but
I'm not getting the benefit of updates in other channels.

This sounds like an improvement to sa-compile would be beneficial,
so as to distinguish 'some updates available' from 'none' and
'all ok, updated'. Please open a feature request.


In order to properly open a feature request, I'd like to get a better idea where you're going with this. It seems to me that a new exit code from sa-update would be more appropriate than running sa-compile every time just in case. Maybe I misunderstand?


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