On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 09:35 +0000, corpus.defero wrote:
> Having some time to play I was interested to see a slight mismatch there
> in the content type. Claims to be a bmp, but has a .jpg extension.
> Feeling it was worthy of a couple of points (it scored 0 when it first
> arrived) I tried to create a custom rule for it. 
I got one of these a day or three ago and just added a fourth BMP
subrule to the IMAGE_MISMATCH rule.  IMAGE_MISMATCH isn't a standard
rule AFAIK but was discussed here during the image spam spate last June.
A web search on its name soon finds it.

HOWEVER, on scanning the source of the ImageInfo plugin I see that it
can't recognise BMP images, so I just got lucky with my subrule hack and
the particular spam I developed it on. 

Is there any possibility that somebody who is more knowledgeable than I
am about images and Perl can extend it to handle BMP and SVG (as a
pre-emptive strike)?


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