>> You might want to look into the old Chickenpox rule.

On 04/17/2010 03:04 PM, Alex wrote:
> Yes, big help. That did it, using the default scores. This was
> written a number of years ago. Do you think it's still safe to use
> the default scores?


I put some of the (previously) better-performing chickenpox rules into
my sandbox a while ago to investigate this.  It's still there:

Now:  http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org/?rule=/CHICKENPOX
2004: http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/MasscheckChickenpox

They are abysmal; the best S/O was 0.339, which means it hit more ham
than spam.

> I still wish I had a better grasp on regex so I could write a
> correct rule to catch these, as I think that is probably the best
> approach. Maybe someone knows of a list of all the URL shorteners to
> be used in a combo uri/meta rule?
> Since the whole point is to shorten the URL, I bet I could write 
> something that categorically checks for a URL that's short -- small 
> host part plus small pathname...

Somebody on this list wrote a parser to actually parse shorteners to
their obscured URLs.  You're looking at something far simpler, which we
can certainly try.

I've checked in a test at r935257  http://tinyurl.com/sa-r935257  (using
a shortened link seemed appropriate here).  This adds two rules,
URL_SHORTENER (which detects a known URL shortening service) and
SHORT_URL (which notices a particularly short ccTLD link that does NOT
use a known shortening service).

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