> here's a a nice little rule I use.
>   # No text part, only an RTF document.  Yeah, sure...
>   header   PAYLOAD_CTYPE_RTF  Content-Type =~ /\bname=".+\.rtf"/i
>   describe PAYLOAD_CTYPE_RTF  Payload is an RTF document, no text part
>   score    PAYLOAD_CTYPE_RTF  4.0

I've started using this rule in our organization and it seems to work great
so far. 

I might bump up the scoring in the future however right now I have ours set
to 2.5 and it's catching extra spam that would have been let through.

If SA decoded and scanned through the attachment, that would be the best
option of all however in the meantime, this seems to do the trick.

Thanks for the help!

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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