On Sat, 26 Jun 2010, Massimiliano Giovine wrote:
What does it do? How can i read the documentation of the spamassassin
behavior with whitelisting?

Firstly, the behaviour of the various whitelist options are described in the Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf documentation. There is a copy on the web


Now I have to ask what functionality you are trying to achieve that is not already in SA? Are you simply trying to give your users a 'friendly' way to add whitelist entries to their spamassassin config?

If so, and the volume of entries is not large, I would suggest you use an 'include whitelistfile' command in the user's .spamassassin/user_prefs and then use whatever user interface you like to put a listing of whitelist commands into that file.... Using a separate file would avoid issues with a script error corrupting the main user_prefs file.

- Charles

2010/6/22 Martin Gregorie <mar...@gregorie.org>:
On Tue, 2010-06-22 at 07:28 +0200, Massimiliano Giovine wrote:
Really thanks for the answers.
So, i need to configure my spamassassin installation to use the
running database (i'm already using a mysql database for other reason)
for whitelisting or i have to write the logic of a whitelist using my
database installationa?

You can do it all in SA. The steps are:

1)add another table to the database. This need only have a single column
 that contains the list of e-mail addresses you want to whitelist.
 The column needs to be the prime key, which is normally indexed.
 The e-mail address needs to be indexed for good performance.

2)you need a way of adding addresses to the table. If you're happy to
 use SQL you can use the MySQL interactive SQL tool or wrap it
 in a shell script to implement a shell command like

       whitelist someb...@example.com"

3)of course you need some form of backup, but MySQL's standard database
 backup and restore tools should do just fine.  If you already have
 a whitelist, you can easily load it into the database with the MySQL
 bulk loader.

4)you need to write or otherwise obtain a Spamassassin plugin to access
 the database and a rule to call the plugin.

My whitelisting plugin interrogates a database view containing a
moderately complex query. This appears to the plugin as the sort of
table I've just described. If I was implementing your plugin I'd:

- define a table that uses my view name as the table name and contains
 the same column name. This way I could use my existing plugin to
 access the whitelist table without any SQL changes, i.e.

       create table whitelist ( email varchar(80) primary key );

- Modify my plugin to work with MySQL. I use PostgresQL as my database
 but I think the changes would be minimal - possibly little more than
 configuration changes. I've never used MySQL, so can't be more

Is there something i can read to go deep into this argument?

There isn't a lot. There's an SA document about writing plugins, which
is quite helpful. I found it was easy enough to read that and then grab
a plugin that accessed a database and modify that, but I do know some
Perl and understand object-oriented programming. You need both to
successfully create a plugin without too much trial and error. I found
that figuring out the database access was easy enough, but the SA
facility for configuring a plugin, i.e. telling it what sort of database
to access and where to find it, was poorly documented and did need quite
a bit of experimentation to get right.

Caveat: As I've never used MySQL the preceding description assumes that
it has all the tools that come as standard with every other SQL database
I've used.


-Massimiliano Giovine
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