Even the best spmfilters we have cannot tell the difference between
legit e-mail and spambot mail 100% of the time.

I know you think that you have a clever way of collecting spambots
since you are depending on a border case.  Most of these clever
solutions depend on border cases, it could be anything from using
a cherry picker and undoing an engine mount to rock the engine forward
to get at the rear spark plugs instead of disassembling the engine
using the "by the book" method, to using a trained rat with a string
tied to it's tail to run network cable instead of the more usual

But it's a border case, and thus, unreliable.  Fine for a one-shot
operation like changing a plug or running a cable.  But definitely
bad for a permanent solution.


On 7/19/2010 2:08 PM, Marc Perkel wrote:
The tarbaby server can tell the different between legit email and spam
bot mail. It doesn't blacklist everything that hits it. And the good
email will be turned away with a 4xx error.

On 7/19/2010 1:52 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

So then OK what happens when a BGP flap somewhere on the Internet
that isn't even us, cuts us off for 10 minutes and 500 pieces of
legitimate mail end up going to your server?

Domains these days are really, really cheap. Just setup some
honeypots, man.


On 7/19/2010 12:48 PM, Marc Perkel wrote:
Still trying to build my black list (hostkarma) and looking for more
spam. The way it works is that any of you can add this as your highest
numbered MX record.


It returns a 421 error after the DATA command. Anything that comes to us
doesn't go to you. We harvest spam bot data and it goes to your
blacklist that prevents those spam bots from being effective.

And - if you use our black lists then it is already tuned to your spam
bots. Here's info on the lists and how to make SpamAssassin work with


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